


The goal was to convince men who suffer from long-term depression to seek help via a new 24-hour depression hotline. Our :30 TV was conceived by art director Adam Nelson and freelance writer Gregg Cotten just prior to my arrival at Barnhart. I revised the original script  and produced this spot in collaboration with Adam and Greg. It was my first production at Barnhart. TV was directed and edited by Sam Miller of On1y Child Productions. Sound design was handled by Postmodern in Denver. After launching in just one county as a pilot program, the spot has since rolled out statewide and call volumes have increased in each market where the spot has run.

WYOMING underage drinking INITIATIVE.



Working with Governor Mead's wife, Carol, for whom this is an personal cause, we were asked to create an impactful TV spot and website that would convince Wyoming parents not to allow their own children to drink alcohol in their homes, a behavior which is culturally accepted among many Wyoming residents.


Inform parents that kids who consume alcohol while underage are five times more likely to become alcoholics. The TV was created to create interest in the subject and drive, viewers to a microsite that offered valuable tips and techniques for talking to children of all ages about the dangers of alcohol. 

RESULT: Thousands of Wyoming residents have visited the microsite, which offers statistics and advice geared towards changing societal attitudes about underage drinking at home. A Facebook page was also established, where Carol Mead routinely posts messages. 


TV: Ricky Lambert and I, served as writers. Adam Nelson art directed; Sam Miller, director and edited the TV. Microsite: Ricky Lambert, writer, Ben Harrison, designer. 

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